
Build Your Campaign Team – Candidate Tip Sheet

You’ve done it – after much soul-searching, questioning and exploration, you’ve decided to take your political leadership to the next level by running for elected office. Congratulations!  Now what?

Political Ambition and Owning Your Expertise

Need a little help stepping into your ambition and defining your expertise? We can help. It starts with a fill-in-the-blank statement as simple as: I am an expert in: _____ Because I: ________. We know it sounds easier than it is! Read on why to…

Tips for Inviting A Nation of Women To Run!

“When I heard there was an opening on our County Board, I immediately called a friend I knew living in that district and asked her to run.  I quickly realized that simple ‘ask’ goes a long way:  She did and won!  Turns out, her father…

Civic Technologies We Love for Engaging Your Elected Official

POPVOX POPVOX – Your Voice. Verified. Quantified. Amplified. Check out our partner at PopVoxNation and be a part of an innovative organization that verifies and quantifies constituent opinions on legislation for members of Congress. How to get started? Visit the Bills page to find bills…

How To Identify The Issues You Will Run On/Need To Address

It’s impossible for one woman to know everything about every issue. Be open to learning more about the issues.

The 7 C’s of Campaign Messaging

FIRST ROUND CAMPAIGN MESSAGING! Give it a try. Put down three key messages. Make sure your messages reflect not only the things you care about, but the issues your audience or community care about. Who are you trying to sway? What is their primary concern?…

Your Guide to Effective Political Communications

VRL's roadmap to successful political communications is simple to follow. First, tap into your heart and why you are running for office. Then, start to get a handle on your values: what do you feel strongly about, what do you need to…

Why Are You Running For Office? (worksheet)

Why are you running for office? (or Why do you want to lead?) The Why Am I Running Worksheet will be used to inform your stump speech and responses to questions. It is a worksheet for YOU and not to be presented in…